What is Publish (Timetables)?
Publish (Timetables) is the new and improved version of the old Timetable Viewer that allows staff to view available timetabling information. It is a read-only application to view data from the timetabling management system (SyllabusPlus).
Teaching staff will now be able to log in and view a personalised version of their timetable based on the classes that are assigned to them. While the tool still allows you to view timetables at the unit, location, and staff level, it also includes some new features to enhance your user experience.
What does it do?
Publish (Timetables) is used to deliver an up-to-date view of timetables, where you can:
- Use enhanced search and filtering capabilities to find and review the teaching activities that are relevant to you. You’ll be able to search by module, location, and staff and then view by day, week, or month.
- View your personalised timetable based on classes that have been assigned to you.
- View the timetable for multiple modules on a single calendar (including your bookings via Resource Booker!).
- Sync the timetable with your personal calendar (such as Outlook and iCal).
- Export a copy of your timetable at a point in time to Excel.
- Update your settings to suit your preferences, such as language and whether you are notified of timetable changes.

How is it different to the old Timetable viewer?
- When you land on the Publish page, you’ll now need to log in with your MQ OneID. This allows you to access your timetable and helps improve the security of the system.
- When first searching and selecting a timetable, staff will need to use the date or week options to view the activities during the selected period.
- Now you can receive email notifications when changes are made to personal or saved timetables.
- You can now link your timetable to your personal calendars using the Subscribe option within the system.

How will I access the new system?
To access Publish (Timetables), visit: https://publish.mq.edu.au
All staff will be automatically granted access to the system, no additional requests are required.
Please replace any existing browser bookmarks to the old system with this link – and don’t forget to add Publish (Timetables) to your personalised intranet homepage quick links!
What resources are available?
The Publish (Timetables) User Guide and How-To Video are available on the new staff intranet.
If you run into any issues or have a question, please reach out to the Timetabling team at timetables@mq.edu.au
Header image by Jesse Taylor
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